Monday, September 17, 2012

Sexy Smells

One thing you don't want to overlook when trying to make your relationship great is your sense of smell. Various smells are appealing to different people. So you have to do a little trial and error. Some people are attracted to flowery smells such as geraniums, lavender or roses. Still others find food smells appealing things such as vanilla, pumpkin spice, and cinnamon. Just like you have to search for cologne and perfume that your partner enjoys you need to do the same for scents you might use in your bedroom or as lotions on yourself. A good method to try is to go the store and smell the candles. They come in a variety of smells and are strong enough for you to get a good feel just by sniffing them. Let me tell you a good smell can create a wonderful mood in the bedroom. This added scent can work wonders on getting your partner in the mood. For instance my partner has some vanilla lotion that drives me wild when she wears it as well as some peppermint lotion. Yes sometime smells can be overdone so don't over do it. A rule of thumb to use is that a little smell goes a long way. You each also have your own unique sent so don't underestimate that. Some people just love to smell each other and that can be a turn on it's self.

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