Monday, April 27, 2009

The Chase

Here’s a fun little game you can play with your partner. I like to call it “the chase”, and basically it is just like the game you used to play on the playground during recess. You take turns being the one that is the chaser and the one who is being chased. However, now that you are adults, or are at least pretending to be an adult, the game becomes a little more intriguing. During recess you used to be confined to the limits of the playground, but now that you are older you have the run of everywhere. You can use all your modern devices. The person that is getting chased sets up the game by picking out a place to meet or an activity to accomplish. He/she gives the other person clues to where he/she is. Sound interesting? Well, it is. For example, if you want to meet your partner at a special restaurant, you might call him/her on his/her cell phone and tell him/her clues as to your whereabouts. Make it interesting by leading him/her through your town. Maybe you will have them stop and pick you up flowers or something special for later in the evening. You can use note cards if you like, but then you always are wondering if the other person is on the right track. If you are connected with a cell phone at least if they get lost you can call them up and laugh at them.
Another version of this would be if you’re out of town and don't know the area you are in. You might find a special attraction in the area and just leave your lover a card with an address on it that they can plug into his/her GPS. I can feel my adrenaline rushing just thinking about some of the adventures you can have with this game. Be creative and use all the new technology available to you, such as your cell phone, GPS, walkie talkies, digital cameras, laptop computers, etc. If it can send a message, you can use it. You don't even have to venture out of your house to enjoy this game. Say you want to have an intimate evening with your partner. You could dress up in some beautiful lingerie or sexy boxers and hide somewhere in your house. Set your phone on silent and send your partner clues via text messaging. Eventually leading him/her to the prize, which is you! You could use it for a surprise birthday party too. Get all of your friends involved, and have them send your special someone a barrage of messages. Get lost in a crowd and use your text messaging to have your favorite someone find you. Send your wife/husband video clips of you at some of the places you went on dates at in the past. Challenge your partner by making the clues a little difficult. You could even use life lines if they can't figure some of your clues out.
The object of this game is to build anticipation and to get your partner stirred up about what is about to happen to you two. This diversion takes some time and planning to make it work out. But, if you lay the plan out right, the results can take you and your partner through the roof.

Be sure to charge up all your electronic devices and use your technology to spice up your day.

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