Thursday, May 3, 2012

Make Laundry Day, Fun Day

There is nothing more mundane than doing the laundry.  For starters you are never finished as soon as you get it all done you realize that the clothes you are wearing are ready to go into the wash at the end of the day. So unless you are doing your laundry naked you still have laundry to do.  As a couple however you can take this chore and add a little zest to it.  Working together you can get it done and put away faster and enjoy doing with these simple little additions.  Try so music put on some music and both of you dance around as you fold and put away the articles together.  Another option could be to get a movie and while enjoying the movie together put the laundry in front of you to fold.  Make a game of it pretend the washing machine and dryer are basketball goals and the clothes are the basketball and see how far way you can get and still throw the laundry into the machine.  While laundry isn't most couples choice of the way to spend time together you can chance it up an make it fun.  Oh and if you want to make sure you get all the laundry done why not do it naked, together!

One final note if you go to the laundry mat they kind of frown on you being naked while you do your laundry :-o


Photo from Creative Commons

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