Saturday, June 5, 2021

A Paint Ball Could Improve Your Relationship


Paint Ball for a Happy Relationship

In a relationship we all get annoyed with our partner from time to time.  It doesn't mean we don't love them it is just part of a normal relationship and the ups and downs that go with it.   Having a good stress relief system is important.  Paint Ball is one way I found that couples can really take out that little frustration they have for each other without being mean or hateful.  After all the main point of paint ball is to shoot each other and yes the paint capsules might sting a little but they don't do permanent harm to your partner.  Thus making it the perfect way to leave your frustrations with your partner on the field and not keep it fostering in your relationship.  

Friday, June 4, 2021

Love Is Worth The Work


Love is Worth the Work: 

A Workbook of Love Designed for 

Marriages and Individuals

"Love is Worth the Work" is a 30-day love challenge designed to demonstrate love and care for your spouse and self. Readers will be empowered and inspired to create an effective change within their relationships. By completing the questions, challenges, and reflections, we hope that you will gain more insight and be strengthen during your journey towards love. Ed and Angel Cooper have a heart for relationships. They want to see married couples communicating, working together and growing in their love for one another. They want single people to understand that life is still great regardless of their single status. Singleness is a time for preparation and personal self growth and love. Also, everyone should work together to build their community around them. Supporting and encouraging one another to be their best. Remember in everything that you do, "Love is Worth the Work".

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Decode The Secrets to Weight Loss


Decode The Secrets To Weight Loss: 

A practical guide to weight loss solutions that help you burn fat, eat smart and feed the brain

This is not your traditional "follow a restrictive meal plan" for incredible weight loss book. Instead, it provides you with various solutions that won't just help you lose weight but will also completely transform your life into one that fills you with energy and long-lasting health.

Everyone’s body is different, which means there is no one-way approach to manage your weight. Learning what works for your body and lifestyle will give you more freedom and confidence in your ability to reach your ideal weight. In Decode the Secret Codes to Weight Loss, you will learn:

How to improve your relationship with food.

How to find the right diet for your lifestyle.

Effective strategies that will boost your weight loss results.

The hidden culprits of weight gain. 

The one thing that will transform your weight loss journey (and it has nothing to do with food or exercise). 

This book will be your ultimate guide to lose weight and keep it off. You will learn the most effective ways to begin your weight loss journey, how to boost your results, and how to maintain your new healthy habits for the rest of your life. If you are tired of struggling and want to finally gain control, you will find the solutions in this book.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Sexy Art Work


Sexy Art Work

There is something special about artwork that just makes you feel sexy.  It sets a mood from the moment you walk in the room.  It is my opinion that the energy artwork gives out is always sexual energy.  So if you want to improve the sexy energy in your place start with the art work and go from there.  

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Serving Success


Serving Success by Patricia Reese Ghany

Do you want to be successful in life?

While our dreams of success are complex and varied, they are often encompassed in two words: true wealth. I know how impossible those two simple words can feel. My name is Patricia Ghany, and I am a Chef. There’s nothing special about me and my family, yet we have achieved our goal of building true wealth. Now we only work when we want to, not because we have to. If we can do this, so can you.

Wealth and money tell the story of our lives. This book is our way to share with you tried-and-true recipes for financial success. We have learned how to succeed with the help of our professions and the people in our lives. These are lessons learned from the wisdom of my fearless Texan great-grandma, the heat of the kitchen, and the ups and downs of the real estate market.

We are here to serve you success. By sharing delicious Southern recipes, lively stories, and a solid plan to grow your wealth, we hope to help you create the best life ever, not just for yourself but also for the people you love.

So, hold on to your knickers—you are in for a wild ride!

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Understanding Lingerie


Very enlightening this video covered a lot of terms that I was unfamiliar with in terms of lingerie.  Now I think I would feel more comfortable going to pick out some lingerie for a special lady.  Watch the video and see what your Lingerie IQ is.