Friday, October 18, 2013

Repair Your Marriage and Make It Sexy

The Home Repair That Makes A Marriage Sexy
Is the foundation of your marriage full of cracks?
Are you lacking the tools to fix what's broken?
If you are a "Do It Yourself" type of guy, don't the proper repairs result in increased value and appreciation?
Funny how these questions resonate as much with home repair as marriage!
You see, unhappy marriages are epidemic in our nation. Married men are miserable and frustrated with their wives and sex life. Divorce is at an all time high and second marriages have a divorce rate even higher than first timers. But it doesn't have to be this way. There are easy solutions to make your marriage as great as it can be.
Did you know that if you were to spend just a fraction of the attention that you focus on your projects and rechannel that attention to your wife, you would have a much better, and sexually fulfilling, marriage?
Truth is, you can make your wife happy by paying attention to her only 1% of your day and still have lots of time to work on your hobbies.
You see, after we get married, we forget to do the things we did for our wives when we dated. Remember how attentive you were to her? How you called her all the time, were thoughtful by remembering things she liked, and took her out to do fun things together? You even were happy to attack her "Honey Do" list!
But now, you are constantly looking for things to do that distract you from having to spend time with her. You have given up as things are not like they were in the good old days. You truly feel that you get more pleasure being alone and doing your projects.
But you know what? Your wife is starving, absolutely starving for your attention. She wants you to romance her and pay attention to her. But you have stopped! Yet you still expect just a little bit of attention right before bedtime to result in her wanting to jump your naked body!
Nope, you need to work at it, just like you need to invest time in your projects to see a great final product that provides satisfaction.
Start calling your wife endearing names like you used to. Take her out on a date and treat her like you did when you first met. Call her during the day and let her know that you miss her. Hold her hand when you walk down the street. Give her a back massage. And do all these things WITHOUT EXPECTING ANYTHING IN RETURN!
You can't expect years of neglect to correct things overnight. It took years for that roof to fall apart. And it may take weeks to fix it. Think of your marriage as a home repair project. Make a plan, get organized, invest in the proper tools, do a little bit every day, and be proud of what you have done.
You won't believe the love and intimacy you receive from your wife by applying a similar planning and project completion strategy to your marriage.
~ Steve
Steve Schloss is an author, public speaker and men's relationship acceleration coach who offers one-on-one coaching to help men rejuvenate the fun and love in their marriage virtually overnight. A graduate of The University of Wisconsin with an MBA degree, his professional career in publishing and marketing includes 30 years in corporate America with assignments at Meredith, Hearst and SourceMedia. Steve currently lives in Princeton, NJ, has two grown children and is in a wonderfully loving relationship.
For more information about "The Man's Secret to a Happy and Sexy Marriage in Less than 10 Minutes a Day", please visit
Photo credit: © evgenyatamanenko -

Thursday, October 17, 2013

You Are Wrong!! I Am Right!! Do's and Don'ts of Relationship Communication

We talked with Susie and Otto Collins, Relationship Breakthrough Coaches, about the age old argument between couples - who is right and who is wrong. And, they share a number of tips and insights into communicating with your sweetie. Check it out for lots of great info! 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Making Football Sexy!

Recent Sexy Challenge Heartbeats podcast episodes...

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Is Your Marriage a Wonderful Institution?

A little humor for you today...
Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
Groucho Marx 

Of course, you can create a wonderful doesn't have to feel like being trapped or locked in.  :)

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Monday, October 14, 2013

Creating a Sexy Voodoo Doll With Your Sweetheart

Halloween is sneaking up on you.  Maybe it is time you shared a little unique intimate play with your sweetie? How about creating a Voodoo Love Doll?  The two of you can have a lot of fun with this. Voodoo Dolls are not really what you might think.

This Sexy Challenge will help you transform your concept of Voodoo into a passionate and loving experience.  Create and share a voodoo love doll with your sweetheart while discovering a unique and powerful connection between your souls.

Find many more great Sexy Challenges on Amazon, iTunes and at Barnes and Noble.  Also, listen to our free podcast, Sexy Challenge Heartbeats at iTunes or online.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Keep Your Relationship Sexy and The Spark Alive

We believe that couples can stay close - emotionally, romantically, and physically throughout their relationship.  It doesn't matter how long they are together.  *Now mind you, we realize that there are simply times that people grow apart no matter how much they try to grow together.  Or they really weren't meant to be together to begin with.  In those situations, there is nothing wrong with moving on.

But, for those couples who simply drift apart without conscious thought or they fall into a rut of the relationship just being "good enough" we want them to know that they can have a deeply connected relationship.  They can be best friends and amazing lovers.

By sharing amazing tips, advice, guidance and creating sexy, sensual and sacred scenarios for couples we open a door for couples to step through and find ways to keep the spark alive.

And, we just so happen to do this through our daily blog and over 80 ebooks - Sexy Challenges and Intimate Adventures and more via Amazon, iTunes, and Barnes and Noble.  And, of course, through our podcast, Sexy Challenge Heartbeats.  Wanna pick some up or subscribe to the podcast for free?  What are you waiting for?

Keeping it sacred and sexy,
Janelle and Rob

Photo credit: © Kzenon -