Saturday, November 6, 2010

Massage is an answer.

You know most couples don't understand how much a massage can help a relationship. I am not talking about one you pay $100 dollars for. I am talking about rubbing your partners shoulders or their back. Even a foot massage can be wonderful. Although the massage feels wonderful the important part is what it can offer. It allows you the time to talk to each other. Starting conversations while you are massaging can open the door to deep and meaningful conversations. You can also use it as a meditation to clear both your minds because you can get relaxation from giving or receiving. However the most important part is enjoying the touch of a massage. Make sure to engage the skin of each other. Let your love flow into each other as you kneed the skin of your partner. Most people don't understand that touch is very important to our well being and without it we are missing something in our life. Now as good as it feels when you are getting the massage make sure to reciprocate the feeling to your partner, it is only fair.

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