Friday, January 14, 2011

Sending you signals.

          Lovers have a way of communicating that is as futuristic as you can get.  Simple nods or eye movements can express there sentiments to each other as if they were mind readers.  Think about a time when the two of you were at a place that neither one of you want to be.  Maybe a family function or a boring party and with just a movement of your eyes towards the door you could sense you partner was ready to leave.  What about that little look your lover gives you when they want you to carry them off to the bedroom to make love.  Then their is that strained look you give opening your eyes wide that says come save me from this boring person you are talking to.  What about those looks from across the room that only the two of you pick up on.  Yes lovers have their own special language besides using their eyes they can use words that they change the mean on to express feelings to each other.  I am sure you have code words in your relationship.   Sometimes the two of you plan them out while other times they just pop up and you both know what exactly they mean.  For example, "We better get in bed early tonight because I have to get up early" might mean "I would really like to make love to you" or "Look at the time we told the sitter we would be back early" could mean "This function is super boring, time to leave"  As lovers you just start doing these things picking them up as you love grow.  You get them from movies, or daily life and soon you have a whole array of them at your disposal.  

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