Saturday, April 9, 2011

Dieting as a couple, IS a great idea.

Losing weight together can be fun!
Going on a diet can be difficult if you do it alone, but can be made easier by going on a diet for couples and losing weight together with your partner. Having a partner to do things with helps you stick to something and complete a task. Dieting may become something more enjoyable than just a task if you have a partner there to support you all the way. It can even be fun if you spice up your diet routine. Here are some tips that may help you get started with a diet for couples.
1. Before you begin a couples diet, talk to your partner about how to go about the diet regimen. You will have to discuss if both of you are willing partners. You will also have to discuss compromises, sacrifices, and create a plan on how to begin, follow through, and complete a diet for couples. Set goals for both of you, so you will have a basis to know if you are successful or not.
2. Plan a menu every week for the both of you. You and your partner need to make your own contributions to this so that both of you can enjoy eating your meals. One type of meal may not be as appealing for your partner. Choose the middle ground and plan dishes that both of you would enjoy eating. If you like what you eat, you will both likely enjoy the diet experience more and continue losing weight together.
3. It would be a good idea to do your grocery shopping together. Before going to the supermarket, you and your partner can make a list of food and drinks you plan to include in your diet for couples. You can explore healthier options at the supermarket and decide whether to get certain foods or drinks for your couples diet. You also prevent each other from cheating if both of you are watching what you put in the grocery cart.
4. If you enjoy eating out, try to limit your restaurant list to a few places that serve healthier food like salads, low-fat and sugar-free meals. Look for vegan delis and restaurants. Cut down your restaurant list to half by choosing only your favorite restaurants and decide to dine out less frequently. Once at the restaurant, try to order meals with smaller portions or split an order between the two of you.
5. Have some fun with a diet for couples by doing physical activities together. If you guys like playing sports like tennis or racquetball, this might be the perfect time to pick up the sport again. Playing together is a fun way to lose weight together. If you start getting bored with one sport, you can switch to another activity like jogging or biking. If you prefer to work out at a gym, sign up as a team. You can probably even get a discount by registering as a couple.
6. Try to keep in mind that you committed to lose weight together when you both decided to pursue a diet for couples, so try not to break your diet routine in front of your partner. Avoid eating food you are not supposed to eat in front of your husband or friend so he won't be tempted to also break the diet. Your obligation to each other is to provide support and encouragement, not to provide temptation to break the diet.
Losing weight together doesn't have to be an ordeal if you can spice it up by being romantic or creative. Plan a weekly romantic dinner at home. Bring out the candlesticks and wine glasses. Set the table as if you were dining at a fine dining gourmet restaurant. Have a picnic on weekends. Ask other couples who have also gone on a diet for couples for tips on how to make the diet experience more enjoyable.
If you want to go on a diet for couples, find fun ways to lose weight together on our website

1 comment :

  1. wonderful share, great article, very usefull for me…thanks
