Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spiritual and Sacred Relationships on the Net

People once had to travel to remote locations to gain spiritual advice.  Gurus that lived on mountain tops or in convents, and not many people we able to venture there.  Today you can reach out to these spiritual souls and masters from the comfort of your home.  Which is why I believe that so many more people are finding what spiritually excites them.  Even if you don't have access to a computer and the internet there are so many books in the spiritual section, you can reach towards enlightenment at your local coffee shop. You might think this takes away from the overall picture, but I feel that it might just be one of the greatest advantages of our technology.

Now couples can even reach out together and bring spirituality into their relationships.  Great places like Inward Oasis offer ways for individuals and couples to connect in a deeper and more meaningful way.  Although your spiritual path can be an individual one it can also be one that the two of you walk together.


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