Sunday, July 19, 2009

Time to get your pictures organized.

Okay you are now a couple no matter how long you have been a couple you need to start putting your memories in order. By memories I mean pictures. If you have not purchased or own a camera do it today and start caring it with you no matter where you go. Take pictures when one of your sings karaoke, when you go on vacation, or at family functions or holidays. Then you need to find a good storage system for these pictures that allows you easy access to them at anytime. Today with digital pictures you can even store them on a form of media as long as you keep it safe. It may seem like a pain in the butt to organize the pictures after each event but believe me you will be glad you did ten years down the road. If you don't you will be finding pictures and wondering when and where they were taken. If nothing else at least but a date on them and a brief description of what was happening. Sometimes our memories will pull up all the details form the past but sometimes we need a little refresher. Document the special and not so special times of your relationship, it will be worth it when you can bore your grandchildren by showing them every step of your life.

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