I hope if your reading my blog here that you are pretty well versed with today's technology. Obviously you have a computer and I hope you have an ipod or another portable music device. If not go out to the store and get one today! My post today if about getting some great music for the two of you to listen to together and with an ipod it is so much more easy to do that then ever.
Let me start with asking you how many times do you get in the car for a trip and you have to decide who's music your going to listen to as you drive. We usually make it so the driver gets to choose the music. Well I want to suggest the two of you getting together to find songs that you both enjoy listening to. With the ipod it's very simple to download songs and you can even created different play list so that when you are not together you can listen to that music that only you like. So we are going to make the play list that you both like. You have to sit down together at the computer and pick an era or music style you both enjoy. iTunes will have an essentials list of the music from that ear or style. Next you and your sweety just go down the list and pick the songs you both love. Nix any that one of the partners doesn't like. This in itself can be fun seeing if you remember the songs and can name the artists. Now the next time you both get in the car to travel won't it be nice when you both can sing to the same song and enjoy it. It will make your trip so much better.
One word of caution ipods are addictive, so if possible you might want to get two or I might have to do a post on how not to fight over the ipod.
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