Thursday, September 16, 2010

To listen is a marvelous gift. but don't forget about the one listening.

Sometimes we get way to one sided in our relationship. We feel that our feelings are the only ones that matter. When we get in that shape sometimes we forget about our partner and their goings on. When we have a major event happen in our life we tend to shut down and worry about that leaving our partner out in the cold. The love doesn't stop we just focus on ourself a this point. This however can make our partner feel not important or like they come after all the other crap that is going on. When you find yourself in this spot take a moment and remind yourself that the person helping you get through all these troubles deserves to be appreciated also. Just the acknowledgement of them is better than nothing but to really make it up to them dedicate a day to them. Reminding them that they are special for helping you deal with your troubles. The last thing you want is your partner feeling like they are less important than you dealing with the problems in our lives. Make sure you partner knows how much you love the fact they are helping you deal with your life.

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