Sunday, April 12, 2009

Smootch Time!

One of the most anticipated events in our relationships is the first kiss. So how come that excitement doesn't linger when we are on our 2,765th kiss. Here is my take, in the begining we do not expect the kiss, we want it but we don't take it for granted. Now after we are comfortable and we get into a routine, kissing loses it's thrill. We all know the out the door kiss, that we do everyday as we are leaving for work. Well I think we can break this mold and get kissing back to a passionate event.

Next time you and your partner are together sit down and write down 3 times of the day. Take turns picking and make them random. Then as they say in the spy movies synchronize your watches and at each of those times the both of you are to meet at a designated area and share a passonate kiss. I think you will find yourself watching the clock a litte and hopefully getting a little excited about Smootch Time! See if your actions are a little different as the time gets closer are you figiting a little in your chair, are you looking for a breath mint, or are you daydreaming about the up coming kiss. It's okay build up some anticipation it's good for your relationship.

By clicking on the title line you will be taken to The Art of Kissing website for a little more information on kissing.

Now loosen up those lips and get ready to kiss.

1 comment :

  1. I like this idea!! I always make it a point to kiss my husband first thing in the morning and right before bed. But it is just a plain smooch. We will definitely have to try this!!
