Friday, May 29, 2009

Plans Change!! Unfortunately

Have you ever got together as a couple and set up some great plans set in motion. Maybe you are going to have a great escapade or meet for a romantic dinner. Maybe you are just going to get busy and don't want to be interrupted. Then something happens. That throws you plans into a tizzy. It is usually something that can't be avoided. Like a sick child or parent that needs help or it could even be a work related event. None the less it makes you plans change. You know it can't be helped so why do we feel so disgusted or angry.

We take care of the situation but we never seem to get back to the plans. The evening has been thrown off and their is no getting it back. We are glad we managed to help whoever needed the help but man are we upset it happened.

Welcome to being part of a couple. This is a sign of how strong your relationship is. People with a strong relationship understand their partner has to take care of these things. I suggest when this happens both of you call for a rain check. Don't think of it as missing your opportunity just think of it as a postponement. Nothing in life ever works out perfect so we shouldn't expect it to in our relationships either.

So quite pouting and either set your event up for another day or change it a little so you can still enjoy the evening. If you partner gets called into work on a night you were going to have a romantic dinner out make an adjustment. Find out when he/she is coming home have a pizza and candles burning on the table. If you have a sexy evening planned and one of your kids gets sick as your partner cares for the child write them a sexy note explaining what you are going to do to them tomorrow. In a relationship you have to go with the flow and the flow doesn't always go the way you want it to. Lastly never get upset with your partner when these situations arise, instead thing about how great they are for doing what they are doing for other. Isn't that part of the reason you care about them?

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