Monday, June 22, 2009

Sexual Journal

I believe something every couple should do is keep track of their sexual activity. I hear what you are saying that it will take away from the spontaneity of your sex life, if we jump up every time we have sex and mark the calendar. I see the positive of it however. If both of you keep one you can record things you like or things your partner liked each time you were intimate. You can also keep track of what positions you used and what type of sexual acts you performed on each other, so that you can mix it up the next time. People who do this and keep a accurate account of their sexual activity will be more apt to have more sex. They will look at the calendar and say "Wow I didn't know it's been 4 days since we made love" It also helps keep it in your mind and maybe will help you organize your sexual ideas and motives. You can purchase a little calendar at the local discount store, your put it on your computer, even the applications for the iPhone and iPod touch have an intimacy counter.

Get in touch with all your sexual activities by keeping track of them. You might be amazed at how it will improve the frequency of sex for you and your partner. Both partners need to do this to make it truly work properly and you must enter every time you have sexual activities, yes even when you masturbate.

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