Friday, September 4, 2009

Skip Lunch Together if it nets you more time later.

One thing a couple can always use more of it time. We always want to try to have time to go to lunch with our spouse. It is usually a hurray up eat and get back to work situation. Well here is a novel idea. Why not skip lunch with each other and all together? Think about it this way if you brown bag it to work and eat while you are working and get off an hour earlier, wouldn't that be a better use of your time to spend with your honey. Instead of breaking your time together up into little tiny segments why not have an extra hour at home together during the night? You will also be saving money if you are not going out to eat all the time. Plus with an hour extra with each other you can do some of the things you seem to never have enough time to get accomplished. If your having trouble trying to fit your sex life into the picture now you have an extra hour! If you take the whole hour that is a great use of your extra hour.

Seriously though if you break it down at the most you are spending maybe a half hour to forty-five minutes together during you lunch. Plus you are spending time ordering and maybe talking to someone else that you know. Wouldn't that hour be much better spent alone with your family or partner? I think so.

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